Publishing Services

Editing & Formatting
Every published work needs strong content and copy editing. Books really are judged by their cover and how well they are put together. Don't ruin your manuscript by skipping these important steps.
We partner with production companies offering single print-on-demand options or bulk pricing for large quantities. We'll guide you through industry sizing, paper selection, and hardcover or paperback options.
Digital and physical retailers, libraries, and educators. Amazon, Apple Book Store, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Lulu, and GooglePlay. We can get your work in front of buyers.
Print & Digital
We publish your work in a variety of physical and digital formats. Hardcover, paperback, Kindle, Apple iBooks, e-reader, PDF–the list goes on. Never be restricted by formatting.
This market has tripled in the last few years and is the largest growing segment within the book publishing industry. We record, produce, and distribute audiobooks via Audible, iTunes, and GooglePlay.
Consulting & Advertising
There are dozens of avenues to reach potential customers. Stop wasting money by chasing the wrong services. Advertising is all about efficiency; watch your ROI pop with our experience.

The Final Book: Gods

We Started In Music

We learned about publishing and distribution by spending a decade working in the music industry. We assisted some of the world's largest pop stars release new albums. We also worked with independent artists and are responsible for the cover to cover release of 6 LP albums and 17 EP albums.

We Are Now Publishing Books

Fiction, non-fiction, photography, scholarly, and coffee table books. Each has their own set of rules and best practices. From cover design, content and copy editing, print and digital layout and formatting, right on through to distribution and marketing–we understand each step of the process and devote tremendous care in releasing only the most superb products.


Combining technical recording and production experience from our time in the music industry with our passion for novels, creating audiobooks is a fluid and natural progression. State-of-the-art audio equipment, industry leading microphones, and a recording space designed and constructed specifically for the frequency of the human voice, we're eager to give your manuscript ears along with eyes.

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